Motherless Mothers Online Support Group

"My mom died several years ago and raising kids has been challenging without her. This group helped me work through my grief. Hearing other's stories made me feel less isolated/alone in my grief experience. Thank you Susanna for this supportive, safe space to really delve into this difficult topic!”

“Just one year after losing my Mom I participated in Motherless Mothers. Despite a global pandemic, Mom's death felt like the biggest thing happening to me. I needed affirmation of the enormity of my loss and found that in the group. To my surprise, facing my grief and the grief of others in the group lightened my load instead of making it heavier.”

“Susanna led a beautiful, non-judgmental dialogue for our group each week. She helped us all tap into our individual stories so that we could move forward in our grief while also nurturing common threads so we didn't feel alone. It was such a wonderful, easy process and I feel so connected to the other women in our group!”

Living without your mom is hard.

Living without your mom while parenting is REALLY hard.

Come talk about it, grieve together, and get ideas and wisdom from other women who get it.

If your mom died a year ago, five years ago, or 10 years ago, you are welcome in group.

If your kids are babies or teens or somewhere in between, you are welcome in group.

As a certified grief coach, I offer grief support and coaching for mothers who are grieving the loss of their own mothers.  I do this work because I believe grief is normal, natural, and necessary – I’d even say sacred.

The Motherless Mothers Support Group is a non-judgmental space:

·       to feel your grief

·       to plan for the hard days (anniversaries of death, birthdays, etc.)

·       to consider your mom’s legacy and how to move forward with your life and your grief

The Motherless Mothers Support Group is a 6-week group.

Where: Online using Zoom

Cost: $65/session, total for 6 sessions is $390.

When: Tuesdays, 7-9pm ET: April 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20, 27

Please fill out the application below if you are interested in joining!

Space is limited in this support group - please fill out the form below and submit it. I’ll be in touch to schedule a quick intro call.

Questions or concerns? Email me at